OAQ Publisher Workflow Docs

OAQ is a web-based tool that helps publishers create author questionnaires and creates structured data from author responses. You can read more about the project on the Harvard Library portal.

» Account Management
» Organizations
» Questionnaires
» Questions
» Responses


Questions are the building blocks of OAQ. You can view a master list of all the questions created within your organization by clicking Questions in the top bar.

For information on managing questions within questionnaires, see “Editing a questionnaire.”

Creating a new question

You can create an organization-wide question without adding it to a specific questionnaire:

  1. Click + Add a question in the top bar. (Alternatively, click Questions in the top bar, then click + Create new question.)
  2. On the New Question page, fill in the question components.
  3. You can preview the question as you go.
  4. When you are finished, click Create to save the question, or click Cancel to discard your changes.

Question components

Field Explanation
Name The text of the question that appears in the questionnaire. (For example, Awards.)
Help Text Optional text that appears when an author hovers over the question mark icon next to the question. This text should provide more description about what the author should answer. (For example, if the name is Awards, useful help text might be, Are there any awards for which you would like us to nominate your book?)
Type Controls the accepted format of the answer. (See the table below for more on these options.)
Placeholder Optional text that appears in gray in the answer field, which authors will overwrite. It’s helpful for showing an example answer in a particular format. (Note that placeholder text is not available for all question types.)
Answer Options This field will only appear when Dropdown, Multiple Choice, or Checkboxes is selected in the type field. In this field, type each answer that you want to appear in your desired dropdown/multiple choice/checkbox list, and press Enter before typing the next one.
Required for all questionnaires Check this box to add the question to all new questionnaires your organization creates by default. Old questionnaires won’t be allowed to be saved until the question is added.

Type field options

Type Explanation
Short Answer The question will be followed by a single-line field.
Long Answer The question will be followed by a paragraph-sized field.
Date The question will be followed by a single-line field. When this field is clicked, a date picker with calendar view pops up. This helps enforce proper date format.
Dropdown The question will be followed by a dropdown menu that contains all the Answer Options you add (see above table).
Multiple Choice The question will be followed by a multiple choice list of all the Answer Options you add (see above table).
Checkboxes The question will be followed by a checkbox list of all the Answer Options you add (see above table).

For information on creating a question from within a questionnaire, see “Create a new question and add it to a section.”

Editing a question

  1. Click Questions in the top bar.
  2. Find the question you want to edit.
  3. Under Actions, click Edit.
  4. On the Edit Question page, update the question components.
  5. You can preview the question as you go.
  6. When you are finished, click Update to save the question, or click Cancel to discard your changes and go back.

Previewing a question

On both the New Question and Edit Question pages, while you are filling in the question components, you can click on the Preview tab to see a preview of the question as the author will see it. This is useful when you want to see how the formatting of dropdown menus, multiple choice lists, etc. will look as part of the questionnaire.